Website Update, February 24th, 2021
I would like to apologize to everyone for having the SPRFO website offline since November 2020. We had to change some prices and I was in the process of developing a new website.
I deleted the old website and had difficulty getting the new version up and running. So rather than make our merchandise guy, Jason Knight's life more difficult than I already have, I've updated the merchandise page and reposted this old (but slightly updated) website.
It's functional as far as purchasing memberships, making donations and buying merchandise. Jason Knight is the fella to talk to if you have any questions about merchandise. He did want me to pass on that he will accept Interac E-Transfers if you dont wish to pay through the PayPal portal. If you live close enough to Jason that your items don't need to be shipped, you can pay through the "donate" link to avoid the flat rate shipping fee of $15.00. If you do that though, please send Jason an email and copy Janna Thompson so they know it was for merchandise and not a donation.
I'll get the new website up and running soon. Or I may refresh this version. With a little TLC, this one could work just fine. Stay tuned and check out our Facebook page and private fishery officer group.
Sean Geddes
SPRFO Webmaster